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Personal Details

Your Employment

Min CHF 5'114.00

Your Revenue



This is your status for swiss tax purposes.


This is your status for swiss tax purposes.

Tax Calculation

Sometimes the system will not be able to find a sourcetax rate for a given prospective employee. In this case you will need to obtain the tax rate from that Canton's paper tax tables or online at an appropriate tax web site. If you wish (or need) to enter the source tax rate(s) manually select here and the application will ask you for them at the appropriate point.

Otherwise let this application calculate the rates for you.

Handle partially taxed month in CH - USE WITH CARE

This is intended for people working only part of each month in CH under a 90 day permit.

They may/may not be working abroad for us the rest of the month. Use the option which is appropriate.

Number of taxable days in CH

This is intended for people working only part of each month for us in CH in order to calculate the monthly base salary for the tax rate. It is the number of working days someone will be working each month to earn the salary calculated.

The calculated gross salary will be multiplied by (20 / this number) in order to arrive at a monthly salary for determining the tax rate.

Number of taxed days in CH

This is intended for people who are working only part of the month in Switzerland on a 90 day permit and the rest of the month under our employ elsewhere. Fill the number of working days someone will be in Switzerland each month. Only this part of the salary will have tax applied even though the rate will be based on the whole month. The calculated gross salary will be multiplied by (this number / 20) in order to arrive at taxable part of the salary.

Drawing AHV Pension

The employee may opt to draw AHV Pension from 2 years prior to retirement. If they are doing so they cannot be insured under GAV KTG, instead under the non GAV KTG. Checking this box will ensure that the non GAV KTG premium is selected

Retired Option

If the employee has reached state retirement age (64 women, 65 Men) then they pay no ALV and enjoy a CHF 1400/month discount on AHV premiums. This box will be checked if these criteria are met. They do not have to pay BVG but can opt to do so up to the age of 70 as long as they are already in the VITA scheme when they reach state retirement age. They may or may not be drawing AHV Pension

Dependent Children

A dependent child is one to which you are an adoptive or natural parent or a designated guardian.

Such dependents are defined for EU citizens as children under the age of 16, or under the age of 25 if in full-time education. Status of dependency is only awarded when the application for child benefit has been accepted.

Acceptance of dependents' status for children of non-EU citizens is at the discretion of the Cantonal authorities; generally non-EU citizens whose children are residing outside Switzerland will only have dependents' status awarded for children up to the age of 16.

Annual Holiday

Standard minimum annual holiday is 20 days (25 days for employers younger than 20 or older than 49)

Family Allowance

You can add total estimated monthly family allowance. This is currently CHF 200 per child up to 12th birthday, CHF 250 up to 16th birthday, and thereafter up to 25th birthday if in full time training.

Pay Out Holiday Allowance

Check this box to show holiday allowance as part of salary (this assumes holidays are not taken but paid out (when earned for contracts less than 3 months otherwise at the end of the contract).

Calculate Hours

Calculates the average number of billed hours/days per month for employees based on 260 days, 52 weeks, for the pensum and holidays elected.


Enter the Unit of work you are billing your client for and the number of units per month you expect to work on average (subtract any holiday allowance - this is the actual time you will be paid for by your client).

Please enter these EVEN if you are basing the estimate on a Gross salary. (This is needed to calculate the effective hourly or daily rate.)

Gross Salary

Enter the gross salary (including 13th month and public/private holidays) agreed with your employer to calculate the total cost of this salary and the rate needed to cover it.

Employment Scheme

Choose the Accurity scheme under which you are being employed. The schemes vary according to service level and salary.

Work Weighting (Pensum)

The percentage of working time: full time is 100%; part time is less than 100%.

Contract Length

Contracts longer than 3 months require us to hold back a provision for your holiday, and register you for professional pension.

We register you online for contracts less than 3 months which means you pay source tax at the (relatively favourable) tax rate of Canton Zurich.

Full Time Client Hours

The number of hours per week at 100% work weighting for this client.

Number of hours/days billed

You can either enter these manually or leave blank and they will be calculated based on the average office hours per month after deducting public holiday and (if relevant) vacation allowance.


If your contract is in another currency type in the 3 character currency label here (e.g. CHF/GBP/USD/EUR). You will then be invited to input an exchange rate. If you type in the currency code CHF the foreign currency option will be cancelled and the estimate will revert to CHF.

Hourly/Daily rate.

Enter the rate you expect to get after deducting any commissions (note: our commission ranges from 3-9%)

GAV Skill Level

Select the GAV Skill level of the employee to check the minimum wage allowed under GAV. These are (monthly 100% including 13th month. public and private holidays):

Premium Salary is paid for working in the agglomerations of BS, BL, ZH, GE, arc lemanique

Estimate Basis

Select an estimate based on revenue (default) - or an estimate based on gross salary for instances where you need to calculate the revenue required to produce a given salary.

Pension Plan

For contracts in excess of three months, membership of a Swiss company pension insurance plan is necessary. The Pension Plan capital belongs to you personally. We offer three plans:

Manual Pension Premiums

Input pension premiums manually in CHF.

These will override entirely both the employer and employee premiums. Remember to add in all costs including Accurity admin. charges/interest. These values will be taken literally into the pension.


Tax free: monthly expenses free of tax but otherwise treated as salary

AHV free: monthly expenses that are not part of payroll but attract tax (e.g. car benefit allowance, child allowance)

Tax and AHV free: monthly expenses paid free of tax and salary charges. These are usually specific business expenses

Flat rate: monthly expenses awarded according to a tax office table depending on employment grade

Accident Insurance

The mandatory SUVA accident insurance premium depends upon the type of work you do. In the event of an accident (worldwide, inside or outside work) this insurance covers medical treatment and, for two years, 80% of basic salary (to a maximum insured salary of CHF 12'350.00 per month).

Source Tax

If you are are neither a Swiss citizen nor a permanent resident ("C" permit holder) we must deduct tax at source from your gross salary.

Tax rates vary with canton and with personal circumstances (including civil status, number of dependents and religious practice).

Select the canton in which you will be registered for sourcetax, or "None" if you do not expect to have to pay source tax.


Enter the percentage bonus. The basic salary will be calculated from this (rounded) based on the total monthly salary at the pensum given.

Church Tax

If you declare yourself as a practising churchgoer when registering in your canton, you will be subject to a slightly higher level of tax at source to cover "church tax". If you intend to do this, please indicate here.

Cross Border commuters

Some cantons have agreements with neighbouring countries that allow residents of those countries to commute daily into the canton to work. In this case a lower tax level is applied which can usually be deducted from the income tax paid to the neighbouring country.

If you are commuting across a Swiss border and the canton supports border commuting then select the country you will reside in.